
Upgrading to JupyterHub version 0.8

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Upgrading to JupyterHub version 0.8

This document will assist you in upgrading an existing JupyterHub deployment from version 0.7 to version 0.8.

Upgrade checklist

  1. Review the release notes. Review any deprecated features and pay attention to any backwards incompatible changes
  2. Backup JupyterHub database:
    • jupyterhub.sqlite when using the default sqlite database
    • Your JupyterHub database when using an RDBMS
  3. Backup the existing JupyterHub configuration file: jupyterhub_config.py
  4. Shutdown the Hub
  5. Upgrade JupyterHub
    • pip install -U jupyterhub when using pip
    • conda upgrade jupyterhub when using conda
  6. Upgrade the database using run `jupyterhub upgrade-db
  7. Update the JupyterHub configuration file jupyterhub_config.py

Backup JupyterHub database

To prevent unintended loss of data or configuration information, you should back up the JupyterHub database (the default SQLite database or a RDBMS database using PostgreSQL, MySQL, or others supported by SQLAlchemy):

  • If using the default SQLite database, back up the jupyterhub.sqlite database.
  • If using an RDBMS database such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or other supported by SQLAlchemy, back up the JupyterHub database.


Losing the Hub database is often not a big deal. Information that resides only in the Hub database includes:

  • active login tokens (user cookies, service tokens)
  • users added via GitHub UI, instead of config files
  • info about running servers

If the following conditions are true, you should be fine clearing the Hub database and starting over:

  • users specified in config file
  • user servers are stopped during upgrade
  • don’t mind causing users to login again after upgrade

Backup JupyterHub configuration file

Backup up your configuration file, jupyterhub_config.py, to a secure location.

Shutdown JupyterHub

  • Prior to shutting down JupyterHub, you should notify the Hub users of the scheduled downtime.
  • Shutdown the JupyterHub service.

Upgrade JupyterHub

Follow directions that correspond to your package manager, pip or conda, for the new JupyterHub release:

  • pip install -U jupyterhub for pip
  • conda upgrade jupyterhub for conda

Upgrade the proxy, authenticator, or spawner if needed.

Upgrade JupyterHub database

To run the upgrade process for JupyterHub databases, enter:

jupyterhub upgrade-db

Update the JupyterHub configuration file

Create a new JupyterHub configuration file or edit a copy of the existing file jupyterhub_config.py.

Start JupyterHub

Start JupyterHub with the same command that you used before the upgrade.