# Using JupyterHub's REST API This section will give you information on: - what you can do with the API - create an API token - add API tokens to the config files - make an API request programmatically using the requests library - learn more about JupyterHub's API ## What you can do with the API Using the [JupyterHub REST API][], you can perform actions on the Hub, such as: - checking which users are active - adding or removing users - stopping or starting single user notebook servers - authenticating services A [REST](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer) API provides a standard way for users to get and send information to the Hub. ## Create an API token To send requests using JupyterHub API, you must pass an API token with the request. As of [version 0.6.0](../changelog.md), the preferred way of generating an API token is: ```bash openssl rand -hex 32 ``` This `openssl` command generates a potential token that can then be added to JupyterHub using `.api_tokens` configuration setting in `jupyterhub_config.py`. Alternatively, use the `jupyterhub token` command to generate a token for a specific hub user by passing the 'username': ```bash jupyterhub token ``` This command generates a random string to use as a token and registers it for the given user with the Hub's database. In [version 0.8.0](../changelog.md), a TOKEN request page for generating an API token is available from the JupyterHub user interface: ![Request API TOKEN page](../images/token-request.png) ![API TOKEN success page](../images/token-request-success.png) ## Add API tokens to the config file You may also add a dictionary of API tokens and usernames to the hub's configuration file, `jupyterhub_config.py` (note that the **key** is the 'secret-token' while the **value** is the 'username'): ```python c.JupyterHub.api_tokens = { 'secret-token': 'username', } ``` ## Make an API request To authenticate your requests, pass the API token in the request's Authorization header. ### Use requests Using the popular Python [requests](http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/) library, here's example code to make an API request for the users of a JupyterHub deployment. An API GET request is made, and the request sends an API token for authorization. The response contains information about the users: ```python import requests api_url = '' r = requests.get(api_url + '/users', headers={ 'Authorization': 'token %s' % token, } ) r.raise_for_status() users = r.json() ``` This example provides a slightly more complicated request, yet the process is very similar: ```python import requests api_url = '' data = {'name': 'mygroup', 'users': ['user1', 'user2']} r = requests.post(api_url + '/groups/formgrade-data301/users', headers={ 'Authorization': 'token %s' % token, }, json=data ) r.raise_for_status() r.json() ``` The same API token can also authorize access to the [Jupyter Notebook REST API][] provided by notebook servers managed by JupyterHub if one of the following is true: 1. The token is for the same user as the owner of the notebook 2. The token is tied to an admin user or service **and** `c.JupyterHub.admin_access` is set to `True` ## Enabling users to spawn multiple named-servers via the API With JupyterHub version 0.8, support for multiple servers per user has landed. Prior to that, each user could only launch a single default server via the API like this: ```bash curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token " "" ``` With the named-server functionality, it's now possible to launch more than one specifically named servers against a given user. This could be used, for instance, to launch each server based on a different image. First you must enable named-servers by including the following setting in the `jupyterhub_config.py` file. `c.JupyterHub.allow_named_servers = True` If using the [zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s](https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s) set-up to run JupyterHub, then instead of editing the `jupyterhub_config.py` file directly, you could pass the following as part of the `config.yaml` file, as per the [tutorial](https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/): ```bash hub: extraConfig: | c.JupyterHub.allow_named_servers = True ``` With that setting in place, a new named-server is activated like this: ```bash curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token " "" curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token " "" ``` The same servers can be stopped by substituting `DELETE` for `POST` above. ### Some caveats for using named-servers For named-servers via the API to work, the spawner used to spawn these servers will need to be able to handle the case of multiple servers per user and ensure uniqueness of names, particularly if servers are spawned via docker containers or kubernetes pods. ## Learn more about the API You can see the full [JupyterHub REST API][] for details. This REST API Spec can be viewed in a more [interactive style on swagger's petstore][]. Both resources contain the same information and differ only in its display. Note: The Swagger specification is being renamed the [OpenAPI Initiative][]. [interactive style on swagger's petstore]: http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub/master/docs/rest-api.yml#!/default [OpenAPI Initiative]: https://www.openapis.org/ [JupyterHub REST API]: ./rest-api [Jupyter Notebook REST API]: http://petstore.swagger.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jupyter/notebook/master/notebook/services/api/api.yaml