# Configuration Basics The section contains basic information about configuring settings for a JupyterHub deployment. The [Technical Reference](../reference/index.html) documentation provides additional details. This section will help you learn how to: - generate a default configuration file, `jupyterhub_config.py` - start with a specific configuration file - configure JupyterHub using command line options - find information and examples for some common deployments ## Generate a default config file On startup, JupyterHub will look by default for a configuration file, `jupyterhub_config.py`, in the current working directory. To generate a default config file, `jupyterhub_config.py`: ```bash jupyterhub --generate-config ``` This default `jupyterhub_config.py` file contains comments and guidance for all configuration variables and their default values. We recommend storing configuration files in the standard UNIX filesystem location, i.e. `/etc/jupyterhub`. ## Start with a specific config file You can load a specific config file and start JupyterHub using: ```bash jupyterhub -f /path/to/jupyterhub_config.py ``` If you have stored your configuration file in the recommended UNIX filesystem location, `/etc/jupyterhub`, the following command will start JupyterHub using the configuration file: ```bash jupyterhub -f /etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py ``` The IPython documentation provides additional information on the [config system](http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/development/config.html) that Jupyter uses. ## Configure using command line options To display all command line options that are available for configuration: ```bash jupyterhub --help-all ``` Configuration using the command line options is done when launching JupyterHub. For example, to start JupyterHub on ```` with https, you would enter: ```bash jupyterhub --ip --port 443 --ssl-key my_ssl.key --ssl-cert my_ssl.cert ``` All configurable options may technically be set on the command-line, though some are inconvenient to type. To set a particular configuration parameter, `c.Class.trait`, you would use the command line option, `--Class.trait`, when starting JupyterHub. For example, to configure the `c.Spawner.notebook_dir` trait from the command-line, use the `--Spawner.notebook_dir` option: ```bash jupyterhub --Spawner.notebook_dir='~/assignments' ``` ## Configure for various deployment environments The default authentication and process spawning mechanisms can be replaced, and specific [authenticators](./authenticators-users-basics.html) and [spawners](./spawners-basics.html) can be set in the configuration file. This enables JupyterHub to be used with a variety of authentication methods or process control and deployment environments. [Some examples](../reference/config-examples.html), meant as illustration, are: - Using GitHub OAuth instead of PAM with [OAuthenticator](https://github.com/jupyterhub/oauthenticator) - Spawning single-user servers with Docker, using the [DockerSpawner](https://github.com/jupyterhub/dockerspawner)