
Module: jupyterhub.spawner

Class for spawning single-user notebook servers.


class jupyterhub.spawner.Spawner(**kwargs)

Base class for spawning single-user notebook servers.

Subclass this, and override the following methods:

  • load_state
  • get_state
  • start
  • stop
  • poll

Return the arguments to be passed after self.cmd


Return the environment dict to use for the Spawner.

This applies things like env_keep, anything defined in Spawner.environment, and adds the API token to the env.

Use this to access the env in Spawner.start to allow extension in subclasses.


store the state necessary for load_state

A black box of extra state for custom spawners. Subclasses should call super.

Returns:state – a JSONable dict of state
Return type:dict

Interpret HTTP form data

Form data will always arrive as a dict of lists of strings. Override this function to understand single-values, numbers, etc.

This should coerce form data into the structure expected by self.user_options, which must be a dict.

Instances will receive this data on self.user_options, after passing through this function, prior to Spawner.start.


Check if the single-user process is running

return None if it is, an exit status (0 if unknown) if it is not.


Start the single-user process


Stop the single-user process

class jupyterhub.spawner.LocalProcessSpawner(**kwargs)

A Spawner that just uses Popen to start local processes as users.

Requires users to exist on the local system.

This is the default spawner for JupyterHub.